Official Review of Bloodlines by Onlinebookclub

Review of Bloodlines
Post by Chinaza Nnabuenyi » 27 Jan 2023, 06:20

[Following is an official review of “Bloodlines” by Shireen Magedin.]
Book Cover
5 out of 5 stars
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Bloodlines (The Journeys Series Book 2) by Shireen Magedin is a thrilling sequence of medical practice and criminal justice. It tells the story of two lovers, Dr. Sarah and Agent Tanya, who, rejected by both parents because of their sexuality, try to live quietly in England, away from home. Each day, they live looking over their shoulders, hoping that the worse will not come. Their greatest fear meets the inseparable lovers when Sarah is abducted by her former vengeful estranged lover, Dr. Farooq, who is bent on getting Sarah by all means.

Shireen develops an intriguing plot that will make readers curious about what will happen next. Each chapter is filled with a situation that will keep the suspenseful reader waiting to turn to the next page. The story starts with a little exposure to some weird beliefs of a particular Pakistani. One of which is revealed in the case of two couples who run away, leaving their infant, Amina, at the mercy of the doctors at the hospital. Baby Amina is a product of consanguinity, which was encouraged by the couples’ relatives with the excuse “not to listen to the white man’s advice, since they don’t know our culture.”

The book also addresses some of the issues of Southern Asia, like the abduction of young girls and boys, the forceful marriage of girls by their fathers, and the high rate of corrupt and incompetent staff in law enforcement. One of these is revealed in the way Dr. Farooq could manipulate his way into the system and make staff do his dirty jobs at the expense of their lives.

From the “Salam” greetings of the indigenes, the hospitable treatment of visitors, the variety of delicacies, and a wide description of localities in the different parts of Pakistan, Shireen keeps her readers engaged. This makes the book both educational and valuable. Overall, I rate this book five out of five stars.

The admission of sexuality is displayed by the two main characters, Sarah and Tanya. This may be out of the notion of some people’s cultures who don’t accept or support the same-sex relationship. Also, several medical terms are mentioned but explained at the end of the book. This is nice, especially when the writer wishes to capture audiences unfamiliar with the medical terms. I didn’t find any dislikeable features in the book.

I recommend this book to mature readers who like to read crime-related books and also to medical practitioners based on the experiential knowledge displayed by Dr. Sarah Shah.


The reviews are coming in…

(Follow the reviews of all three books on Amazon and goodreads too.)

Review of Heartlines

[Following is an official review of “Heartlines” by Shireen  Magedin

Heartlines will make your heart soar with love and thrill. This is the last book in the Journey series. In this book, Interpol agent Tanya Kareem and Dr. Sarah Shah are embroiled in a dangerous mission against cruel human traffickers. Following an earthquake in the northern parts of Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India, Tanya has been assigned to gather information about the traffickers, who are using this natural disaster to smuggle children and sell them to a powerful international conglomerate. The only good thing about this mission is that Tanya can work with her partner, Sarah, who is a paediatrician and is also being assigned to help the affected children. The story follows their exciting adventures through Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, and even Turkey, finally coming full circle at the end.

This book is written brilliantly. The writing is easy to follow, and the imagery is wonderful. The main characters, Sarah and Tanya, are amazing. Sarah is a doctor, and she is excellent at her job. She knows what to do when faced with difficulties, and her expertise was an incredible asset to both Tanya’s mission and the plot. Tanya is a brilliant agent. She is intelligent, perceptive, and full of compassion. The story is full of thrilling adventures that leave you wanting for more. It highlights real issues and horrendous crimes and brings them to a satisfactory end. Starting from the prologue, the story jumps right into action and keeps on getting better. Apart from the adrenaline rushes, there are also elements of the supernatural cleverly embedded in the story. Even though it is part of a series, this book can be read as a standalone novel.

This is one of the best books I’ve read. I do not find any negatives in it. This book is an adventurous quest for justice, and justice is served extremely well.

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars.

Heartlines by Shireen Magedin is a fast-paced adventure thriller that will keep you hooked. I couldn’t put the book down, and I kept wanting to know what was going to happen next. The writing is remarkable, with the imagery, the twists, and the suspense feeling so real that you feel adrenaline pumping in your veins and keep your fingers crossed, hoping for the best. I did not find any errors in the book, and it has been edited very well. My favourite part of the book is the addition of the supernatural, which was a welcome and wonderful surprise. The characters are fantastic and help make the story stellar. The addition of different cultures makes the story more engaging.

The book will be an enjoyable read for everyone who reads it. I highly recommend this book to all readers of thrillers, suspense, mysteries, and adventures.

Heartlines, Book three of the Journey Series is here soon! Just one more day!

My latest book is coming out April 15! In case you haven’t seen this amazing series, the first two books, Lifelines and Bloodlines, are available on Amazon:

Discover an epic tale of thrilling action and suspense in the conclusion to the Journey Series:. Join Doctor Sarah Shah and Agent Tanya Kareem as they embark on a perilous mission, one that will take them to the edges of their courage and ingenuity. Beginning with a mission to aid earthquake victims, their journey quickly escalates into a whirlwind of action, betrayal, kidnapping, and chases infused with a dash of the paranormal. Will Sarah and Tanya survive in this heart-stopping adventure? Find out!

If you want to pre-order Heartlines:

Heartlines… The new adventure


Heartlines will be published on the 15th of April 2023. I am excited that the third book of the trilogy will soon be available to all my readers. The other two books are Lifelines (book one) and Bloodlines (book two).

Heartlines is available for pre-order on Ausxip Publishing, but I am sure that it will thereafter be available on all the other well-known online bookstores as well.

I would like to thank everyone who has bought and will buy my books. Your encouragement means a lot to me.


Oh Singapore!

It seemed so surreal. Just that morning Sarah was sitting with their children in the kitchen, coaxing them to finish their breakfasts, and less than twelve hours later she was with Tanya in the first-class section of an airplane, flying through the night, on their way to Singapore for a week of rest and recreation!

“I can’t believe that you arranged this trip so spontaneously Tanya. I love this romantic side of yours and I really feel like a pampered princess.”

“You do realize that it’s our anniversary next week,” said Tanya as she reached across the seat to gently clasp Sarah’s hand.

“Of course, I do, but you know how busy we both have been with the children and work it just slipped my mind to mention anything about it to you. I had actually asked Razia to help me rent a beach hut at Hawkes Bay, Karachi just for the two of us…but this is so much better. Thank you!” Sarah smiled at Tanya and raised her glass of chilled orange juice, toasting her partner of twenty years.

“Has it been twenty years already?” said Tanya as if she was reading Sarah’s mind. “Believe me when I say that if I had to do it all over again, it would be so much more fun because you would be always by my side. I know I don’t tell you this enough, but I am blessed to have you in my life. I love you Sarah, and my love for you grows day by day as I see you develop into the different roles you so smoothly take on. Student, doctor, wife, and mother. You are amazing!”

Sarah just smiled gently and looked at Tanya with happy tears in her eyes. Yes, they both had been blessed with a love so pure that it could only be considered divine.

“It’s quite late now so why don’t we settle down and have a nap? I think I will ask for some blankets, because I am quite tired and I have a busy itinerary planned for us once we reach our hotel,” Tanya stretched and yawned. “Moreover, we just have to try these new seats. They fold out into beds, and with the reviews I have read, I am certain we will sleep quite well.” Tanya pressed the call button and asked for assistance to fold out both of their seats into the well-advertised beds. They were pleasantly surprised when they  given crisp sheets and a soft fluffy blanket as well. Once the beds were made and  they were comfortable, the flight attendant drew the privacy curtain making them feel as if they were in their own exclusive cocoon.

“You are right as usual Tanya; this is very comfortable. I think I am going to be spoiled and will refuse to travel coach henceforth,” giggled Sarah as she bounced on the bed. Turning towards Tanya, she reached out, clasped her hand, tucked it under her chin and promptly fell asleep. Tanya looked at her affectionately and then lulled by the hum of the airplane’s engine, followed her into the land of Morpheus.

It seemed as if they had just fallen asleep when the flight attendant came and gently shook Tanya awake. “We will be landing in an hour. I will be serving breakfast in a little while. Would you like me to help you fold the seats once more.”

Tanya nodded, still bleary eyed from the deep sleep she was awoken from. She leaned over to wake Sarah up and gratefully accepted the hot wet towel that was handed to her by the flight attendant.

“Has it already been five hours?” said Sarah. “I was sleeping so deeply that I didn’t realize how the time went by. We must have been exhausted.” She smiled at Tanya as she stood up and rummaged in her bag for her toiletries and went to use the restroom.

When Sarah came back, the seats were in their usual upright position, and the meal table had starched tablecloths draped over them. As soon as she sat down two trays with their breakfast were set in front of them.

“How would you like to have your eggs done?” the flight attendant asked them. Both looked at each other with a smile and said together “scrambled!”

“We just have time to finish our breakfast, then we land in Singapore. After checking into the hotel, I would like to take you shopping because I just had the essentials packed and we do need a change of clothes otherwise we will start to smell quite ripe.” Tanya laughed as she playfully sniffed Sarah and made a funny face. Sarah stuck out her tongue and grinned.

“Very mature Dr. Sarah Kareem-Shah,” exclaimed Tanya, but she couldn’t stop laughing. It had been a while since they had felt so light-hearted and just had each other as company. It was as if they were recharging their energy. And it felt so good.

Once they checked into their luxurious suite at one of the well-known five-star hotels on Orange Grove road, they immediately left the hotel to buy what they needed at the nearby famous shopping area on Orchard road.

“This is all so expensive,” said Sarah as she reluctantly riffled through the hangers in a renowned boutique.

“No, it isn’t,” laughed Tanya. “We were due to be pampered, and I want to have only the best… for both of us on this trip. So, stop being picky and start shopping.”

Sarah grinned and shrugged. Much later and armed with shopping bags from famous couture houses and boutiques, they made their way to one of the Michelin Star restaurants who according to the concierge of the hotel assured them served only authentic Singaporean cuisine.

“Remind me to tip the concierge for recommending this restaurant,” said Tanya as she paid the bill for their leisurely five course lunch.

“Let us go back to the hotel. I would like to have a short rest and change into something more casual. We will go out after sunset. I have a surprise for you.” Tanya smiled as she saw Sarah looking at her impatiently, nearly bursting with curiosity.

“And if you even think that I am going to spoil the surprise beforehand, you are mistaken my love.” Tanya smirked as she helped Sarah gather their bags and hail a taxi.

Having a nap in the luxurious bed was like floating on a cloud. One could see that no expense had been spared by the hotel to make their guests feel as comfortable as possible.

After about two hours, Tanya looked down at her partner as she cupped her cheek affectionately and stroked it with her thumb. She gently shook the sleeping woman who had been using her shoulder as a pillow.

“Wake up Sarah. It’s nearly sunset. We have to get ready ro go otherwise we will miss your surprise.”

Sarah was up and alert immediately. It was her training as a physician that enabled her to go from zero to hundred as soon as she woke up. Tanya had yet to see Sarah groggy with sleep. It was a facet that had always fascinated her, and was quite useful when looking after their children.

They were showered and dressed in their new casual clothes within a short time. While Sarah was in the shower, Tanya had called down to the concierge for a taxi. Therefore, they just had to step out of the hotel, and they were on their way.

“Can you tell me now where we are going?” Sarah said in an amused voice that was mildly tinged with exasperation.

“Wait! Patience! You will know in a few minutes!” Tanya could not stop laughing at Sarah’s childlike pout.

The Taxi stopped in front of what could only have been considered a lush tropical garden. A large billboard announced that this was the Singapore Zoo.

“Seriously? You have brought me to the zoo?” Sarah could not stop laughing. “I think you are confusing me with Dania and Hana.”

“Not at all. I have brought you here to go with me on a Night Safari. I have been here once before and it’s amazing.” Tanya was quite excited as she explained to Sarah how the animals roamed free and largely ignored the tourists who drove through the controlled areas on electric trams and  buggies.

“What a wonderful idea, Tanya. I love animals…”

“I know.” Tanya smirked, happy that her surprise hadn’t backfired.

“Let’s get the tickets, I was told that they start the first tour immediately after sunset. That is about the time when the nocturnal animals come out to play.”

Just as they were about to step up to the ticket booth, Tanya’s cell phone started to ring with the distinctive tone she had just for her office. Annoyed, Tanya rejected the call and grinned at Sarah as she nonchalantly flung the phone back into her bag. But it started to ring again and kept on ringing every time Tanya rejected the call.

Sarah sighed as she had a feeling that their idyllic holiday was about to be interrupted. “You had better get that or Mr. Humphrey will continue to call till you pick up.”

“I could just switch the blinking thing off, but I want to be in touch with the girls in case they need us. It’s a bit inconvenient that you dropped your phone in the swimming pool before we travelled.”

“Well, I was going to buy a new phone, but I was shanghaied before I could,” laughed Sarah.

The next time the phone rang with its strident tone, Tanya reluctantly answered it, but even though she was polite, she made it a point to project her annoyance to her boss.

“Tanya, I need you to investigate the kidnapping of Mr. White’s daughter immediately,” shouted Mr. Humphrey without any preliminary politeness.

“Hello to you too boss. In case you have forgotten, you signed my leave application, and I am not anywhere near Mr. White at the moment…”

“I know, I know,” interrupted Mr. Humphrey, “But this is extremely urgent. Six months ago Mr. White was appointed the Regional Director of Interpol for the Far East and is now based in Singapore. Just this morning his daughter was kidnapped. We suspect the Dragonheart cartel from Hong Kong. Mr. White was on the verge of exposing the bosses and was due to arrive with the evidence in London tomorrow when this happened.” Tanya heard her boss huff in frustration.

“Since you are already in the area, I would like you to meet Mr. White and if necessary travel to Hong Kong and do a preliminary investigation. I need a report from you as soon as you can send it.”

“But…” Tanya tried to get a word in. But Mr. Humphrey continued without letting her speak.

“As compensation for disturbing your holiday, Interpol will pay for all of the expenses already incurred and as usual what you will spend during the assignment. Please consider this urgent!’ With that he abruptly disconnected the call, taking it for granted that Tanya would accept the assignment.

Tanya looked apologetically at Sarah.

“Oh well… here we go again,” said Sarah looked at her partner with an understanding albeit long suffering smile.

Now the question is…will Sarah go with Tanya? Or will she go back home? I would love to hear from you all 🙂

The Bhitai Urs (Sufi Festival)

It was a sultry day. The heat of the summer was morphing into the cooler evenings. It was now pleasant to sit under the trees outside the cafeteria and drink tea while munching on hot samosas and pakoras. The breeze was lazy and gently lifted the hair of the almost somnolent couple sitting at the tiny table. Sarah and Tanya were enjoying the evening. It had been a very hectic day for both of them and they were just enjoying the silence punctuated by the sounds of nature around them. An occasional giggle from other students or the sounds of the cafeteria sometimes intruded on their tranquility. But they were happy. Content to be in each other’s company for the evening.

Suddenly Tanya spoke up. “Do you know what day it is tomorrow?”

“Have no clue.” Said Sarah with a lazy smile not wanting to disturb the relaxed mood she was in.

“It’s the 14th Safar (2nd month of the Hijra calendar)”

“And? Am I supposed to know what that is? Do I jump for joy”

Tanya looked at Sarah pointedly. She wanted to be annoyed with her friend. But she thought that she was so cute when she tried to be funny. Emphasis on “tried”,

“It’s the Urs (death anniversary) of Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai. Thousands of people from Sindh come to  pay respect to the Sufi saint on the occasion of his urs. Each year, the three-day ceremony begins with poetry marathons, literature conferences and other activities to celebrate the Sufi saint’s poetry. And it lasts for three days.

The main features of the festival are  prayers, music, exhibitions, literary conferences, and horse races. Many renowned singers and musicians attend. It’s like an ethnic rock fest!!!”

That sounds interesting. But I doubt that I would get permission to go there. Especially if there will be a massive crowd.” Sarah looked forlorn. Tanya looked at her bowed head with an affectionate smile.

“Would you be allowed to go if you had someone take you there and ensure your safety?”

Sarah looked up with a speculative glint in her eyes. “Tanya! You are a genius! My father comes to these Urs’s every year to recruit men for the army. I am sure he would be there. He could take us if we asked him to!”

Tanya started to laugh. Not a polite gentle laugh but a deep belly laugh that ended with her wiping the tears of mirth from her eyes.

“Sarah, I am a grown up. I don’t need daddy dearest to chaperone me.” She continued to laugh. Sarah looked at her as if she had gone completely mad.

“I mentioned the Urs because I have been asked to monitor it. More and more women attend every year, so having a policewoman instead of a bevy of policemen to look after the women attendees as well as those of the female persuasion who commit petty crimes is supposedly a good idea.” Tanya continued to grin. “I just wanted to ask you if you would like to go with me this year.”

Sarah suddenly understood why Tanya found the situation hilarious. Here she was trying to invite her to the Urs festival, and on the other hand she was thinking of her father. Just like a child. She really had to grow up she thought as she shook her head. She started to laugh along with Tanya.

“But I would still have to let my father know Tanya. If he sees us at the festival he might get upset. I am after all supposed to be chained to my books in the college. Aren’t I?” Sarah gave Tanya a saucy wink.

“Anyway, I would love to go with you. I will apply for three days leave this evening and will also let my father know that we will meet him there.”

Tanya was not very happy that Sarah’s father would also be at the Urs, but she understood her logic. It was better to go with proper permission that to sneak around. Even if they were not doing anything wrong. She looked forward to the three days of color and festivity with  Sarah. The lineup of superstars promised to be entertaining. Yes, she did look forward to the festival in more ways than one.